$(window).on("load", function() { var figureCount = 0; function resizeImage($image) { var maxWidth = $image.attr('data-lbir-max-width') || $image.attr('width') || $image.css('width'), maxHeight = $(this).attr('data-lbir-max-height') || $image.attr('height') || $image.css('height'), ratio = 0; // Reset the image to natural dimensions so we can resize it with the // correct scale $image.css('width', 'auto'); $image.css('height', 'auto'); var width = $image.width(), height = $image.height(), resized = false; if (width > maxWidth) { ratio = maxWidth / width; $image.css('width', maxWidth); $image.css('height', height * ratio); height = height * ratio; width = width * ratio; resized = true; } if (height > maxHeight) { ratio = maxHeight / height; $image.css('height', maxHeight); $image.css('width', width * ratio); width = width * ratio; resized = true; } return resized; } function addLightbox($image, resized) { var title = $image.attr('alt'), href = $image.attr('src'), figureText = 'Figure %n:', expandText = 'Click on the image to expand it', caption = title; // Wrap WET4 lightbox anchor tag and a figure block around the image if (resized) { $image = $image.wrap('' ).parent() } $image.trigger('wb-init.wb-lbx'); var $figure = $image.wrap( '
' ).parent(); // Create caption text if (figureText) caption = '' + figureText.replace('%n', ++figureCount) + ' ' + caption; if (expandText && resized) caption += ' (' + expandText + ')'; $figure.append('
' + caption + '
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